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Second Hand Steel Pipe Weight and dimensions are approximately and based when new Stock No: PIPE061 Second Hand Steel Pipe Elbows Various lengths, thicknesses and angles available Price per 1067mm OD x 12 metres x 18mm Wall = $8,140.00 5705kg Price per 1067mm OD x 12 metres x 14mm Wall = $6,468.00 4520kg ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE060 Second Hand Galvanized Steel Pipe Price per Approx 3.1 metre x 27mm x 1.5mm wall = $11.00 2.87kg ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE059 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 48mm OD - 5.5mm Wall Thickness Price per 1.62 Metre Length = $20.50 each (9.33kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE058 - DN40 Galvanised Pipe - 48.3mm OD - Wall thickness 3.68mm Standard Nominal Wall Thickness Price per 1.5 metre length = $ 9.80 (5.96kg) Price per 1.8 metre length = $13.50 (8.18kg) Price per 1.2 metre length = $ 7.90 (5.45kg) Price per 0.9 metre length = $ 5.90 (3.57kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE057 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 48mm OD - 5mm Wall Thickness Price per 8 metre Length = $77.00 each (46kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE056 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 60mm OD - 5mm Wall Thickness Price per 8 metre length = $99.00 each (61kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE055 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 60mm OD - 6mm Wall Thickness Many lengths available ranging from 4 to 5 metres Price per metre = $13.20 (7.85kg per/metre) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE054 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 73mm OD - 4mm Wall Thickness Price per 7 metre length = $105.00 each (46.80kg) - 119 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE052 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 76mm OD Blue Price per Approx 12 metres long x 5mm wall = $187.00 each 102kg 53 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE051 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 76mm OD Black Price per Approx 12 metres long x 5mm wall = $187.00 each 102kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE050 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 80mm OD Blue Price per Approx 6.5 metres long x 3mm wall = $68.00 each 36.36kg 1 Available Price per Approx 6.2 metres long x 3mm wall = $65.00 each 34.70kg 3 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE049 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 88mm OD Blue Price per Approx 12 metres long x 5.5mm wall = $250.00 each 132kg 9 Available Price per Approx 6 metres long x 5.5mm wall = $125.00 each 66kg 4 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE048 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 89mm OD - 6mm Wall Thickness Many lengths available ranging from 4 to 5 metres Price per metre = $19.80 (12.06kg per/metre) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE047 - Second Hand Steel Pipe: approx. 95mm OD - 6mm Wall Thickness Price per 5.2 metre length = $143.00 each (67.26kg) - 19 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE046 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 114mm OD Blue Price per Approx 12 metres long x 6mm wall = $352.00 each (188kg x 20) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE045A - Yellow Steel Pipe - 115mm OD Price per Approx 5.6 metre long x 9mm = $220.00 (132kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST 1 Available Stock No: PIPE045B - Yellow Steel Pipe - 115mm OD Price per Approx 6 metre long x 6.3mm = $165.00 (100kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE044 - Galvanised Steel Pipe - 126mm OD - Wall thickness 3mm Pipes range in length from 9.38 metres to 10.65 metres Pipe has holes at ends - Click on photo to view Per metre price = $15.73 ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE43 - Second Hand Steel Pipe - Approx 134mm OD Price per Approx 6.6 metres x 6mm = $220.00 each (123kg x 10) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE041 Second Hand Galvanized Steel Pipe Approx 164mm OD Price per Approx 7.480 metres long x 5mm wall = $238.00 (144kg x 1) Price per Approx 11.160 metres long x 5mm wall = $355.00 (215kg x 1) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE040A Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 165mm OD Price per Approx 10 metres long x 5mm wall = $240.00 128kg ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE040B Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 165mm OD Blue Price per Approx 10 metres long x 4mm wall = $297.00 (156kg x 5) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE039 Second Hand Galvanized Steel Pipe Approx 168mm OD Price per Approx 11.030 metres long x 5mm wall = $350.00 (212kg x 1) Price per Approx 11.100 metres long x 5mm wall = $353.00 (214kg x 1) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE038 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 168mm OD Black Price per Approx 12.00 metres long x 5mm wall = $470.00 237kg 2 Available Price per Approx 11.53 metres long x 5mm wall = $451.00 228kg 1 Available Price per Approx 9.05 metres long x 5mm wall = $355.00 179kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE037A Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 170mm OD Blue Price per Approx 12 metres long x 6mm wall = $545.00 (291kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST 142 Available Stock No: PIPE037B Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 170mm OD Price per Approx 12.000 metres x 6mm wall = $545.00 291kg 7 Available Price per Approx 6.500 metres x 6mm wall = $295.00 158kg 10 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE037C Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 170mm OD Price per Approx 11.99 metres long x 7mm wall = $561.00 (337kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST 13 Available Stock No: PIPE036 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 220mm OD Black Price per Approx 7.59 metres long x 8mm wall = $530.00 312kg 1 Available Price per Approx 6.70 metres long x 7mm wall = $411.00 242kg 1 Available Price per Approx 12.00 metres long x 6mm wall = $634.00 373kg 1 Available Price per Approx 11.48 metres long x 6mm wall = $607.00 357kg 1 Available Price per Approx 9.10 metres long x 6mm wall = $481.00 283kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE035 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 270mm OD Black Price per Approx 12.000 metres long x 5mm wall = $655.00 385kg 2 Available Price per Approx 7.365 metres long x 4mm wall = $323.00 190kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE034 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 273mm OD Blue Price per Approx 12 metres long x 9mm wall = $1,287.00 (691kg x 3) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE033 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 274mm OD Black Price per Approx 7.720 metres long x 12mm wall = $1,000.00 588kg 1 Available Price per Approx 12.000 metres long x 10mm wall = $1,305.00 767kg 1 Available Price per Approx 12.000 metres long x 6mm wall = $ 795.00 467kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE032 - Steel Pipe - Yellow Jacket - Approx 273.1mm OD - Wall thickness 8.18mm Price per 18 metre length = $1,560.00 each (944kg) Stock No: PIPE031A - Steel Pipe Approx 275mm OD - Wall thickness approx 9mm Price per Approx 11.85 metre length = $1,155.00 each (approx 699kg) - 55 Available. Stock No: PIPE031B - Steel Pipe Approx 275mm OD - Wall thickness approx 8.7mm Price per Approx 11.8 metre length = $1,100.00 each (approx 662kg) - 3 Available. Back to Top Stock No: PIPE030 - Steel Pipe - Approx 323.9mm OD - Wall thickness approx 6.35mm Schedule 20 Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 18 metre length = $1,450.00 each (approx 878kg) - Black Jacket Price per Approx 18 metre length = $1,450.00 each (approx 878kg) - Grey Coating - 1 Only Price per Approx 18 metre length = $1,450.00 each (approx 878kg) - Yellow Jacket ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE029 - Steel Pipe - Approx 323mm OD Price per Approx 11.80 metres x 12mm wall = $1,925.00 each (1092kg) 26 Available Price per Approx 4.95 metres x 14mm wall = $ 858.00 each (519kg) 1 Available Price per Approx 12.00 metres x 9mm wall = $1,375.00 each (836kg) 6 Available Price per Approx 11.85 metres x 9mm wall = $1,364.00 each (825kg) 2 Available (1 pipe has two outlet pipe connections in middle of pipe) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE028B Second Hand Steel Pipe - Approx 355mm OD Price per Approx 12.00 metres x 10mm wall = $1,540.00 each 932kg 14 Available Price per Approx 5.70 metres x 12mm wall = $ 869.00 each 528kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE027 - Steel Pipe -Approx 355mm OD Price per Approx 11.800 metres x 19mm = $2,211.00 (approx 2606kg -14) Price per Approx 10.245 metres x 19mm = $1,397.00 (approx 1584kg - 1) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE026 - Steel Pipe - Approx 406.4mm OD - Wall thickness approx 6.35mm Yellow Jacket Schedule 10 Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 18 metre length = $1,825.00 each (approx 1106kg) Stock No: PIPE025A - Steel Pipe - Approx 406.4mm OD - Wall thickness approx 6.35mm Black Jacket Schedule 10 Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 18 metre length = $1,825.00 each (approx 1106kg) Stock No: PIPE025B Steel Pipe - Approx 406mm OD Price per Approx 18.00 metres x 8mm wall = $2,332.00 each 1413kg 7 Available Price per Approx 2.85 metres x 14mm wall = $ 638.00 each 386kg 1 Available Price per Approx 1.85 metres x 14mm wall = $ 418.00 each 250kg 1 Available Stock No: PIPE023 - Steel Pipe - Approx 610mm OD - Wall thickness approx 30.96mm Schedule 80 Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 8.8 metre length = $6,300.00 each (approx 3816kg) Price per Approx 8.6 metre length = $6,155.00 each (approx 3729kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Back to Top Stock No: PIPE022 - Steel Pipe - Approx 610mm OD - Wall thickness approx 15mm Price per Approx 4 metre length = $1,357.00 each (approx 880kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE021A - Steel Pipe - Approx 610mm OD - Wall thickness approx 14mm Price per Approx 4 metre length = $1,238.00 each (approx 750kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE021B - Steel Pipe - Approx 610mm OD Wall thickness approx 12mm Price per Approx 16 metres = $4,983.00 each 2830kg 1 Available Price per Approx 18 metres = $5,599.00 each 3184kg 2 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE020A - Steel Pipe - Approx 760mm OD Wall thickness approx 9mm Price per Approx 19.85 metres = $5,820.00 each 3307kg 1 Available Price per Approx 20.05 metres = $5,874.00 each 3340kg 1 Available Price per Approx 20.40 metres = $5,984.00 each 3399kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE020B - Steel Pipe - Approx 770mm OD - Wall thickness approx 35mm XS Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 11.8 metre length = $12,133.00 each (approx 7352kg) - 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE019 - Steel Pipe - Approx 914mm OD - Wall thickness approx 20mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 3.0 metre length = $2,145.00 (approx 1299kg) 1 Available Price per Approx 3.3 metre length = $2,365.00 (approx 1429kg) 1 Available Stock No: PIPE018 - Steel Pipe - Approx 914mm OD - Wall thickness approx 17mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 2.30 metre length = $1,400.00 each (approx 848kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE017 - Steel Pipe - Approx 914mm OD - Wall thickness approx14mm Unknown Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 2.7 metre length = $1,562.00 each (approx 824kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE016 - Steel Pipe - Approx 920mm OD - Wall thickness approx 38mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 10.6 metre length = $14,190.00 each (approx 8605kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE015 - Steel Pipe - Approx 914mm OD - Wall thickness approx 60mm Unknown Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 4.6 metre length = $10,560.00 each (approx 5709kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE014 - Steel Pipe - Approx 950mm OD - Wall thickness approx 25mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness - Pipe has a bow in it Price per Approx 11.74 metre length = $10,850.00 each (approx 6576kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE013 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1067mm OD - Wall thickness approx 18.5mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 10.1 metre length = $9,020.00 each (approx 4745kg) - 1 Available. Stock No: PIPE012 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1067mm OD - Wall thickness approx 20mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 10.12 metre length = $9,493.00 each (approx 5133kg) - 1 Available. Back to Top Stock No: PIPE011 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1067mm OD - Wall thickness approx 30mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 8.6 metre length = $12,300.00 each (approx 6480kg) - 1 Available. Stock No: PIPE010 - Steel Pipe - 1200mm OD - Wall thickness approx 16mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per 9.0 metre length = $ 7,850.00 (approx 4130kg) - 1 Available. Price per 7.0 metre length = $ 6,100.00 (approx 3212kg) - 2 Available. Price per 6.7 metre length = $ 5,840.00 (approx 3074kg) - 1 Available. Price per 6.1 metre length = $ 5,320.00 (approx 2799kg) - 1 Available. Price per 5.4 metre length = $ 4,710.00 (approx 2478kg) - 2 Available. Price per 4.8 metre length = $ 4,190.00 (approx 2203kg) - 1 Available. Price per 4.3 metre length = $ 3,750.00 (approx 1973kg) - 1 Available. ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE009 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1215mm OD - Wall thickness approx 16mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 12 metre length = $10,610.00 (approx 5674kg) - 1 Available. ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE008 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1225mm OD - Wall thickness approx 16mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 11.8 metre length = $7,304.00 (approx 5529kg) - 1 Available. ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE007 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1200mm OD - Wall thickness approx 18mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 7.95 metre length = $6,028.00 (approx 4564kg) - 1 Available. (Approx 990mm has a 35mm wall) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE005 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1219mm OD - Wall thickness approx 19mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 5.46 metre length = $4,972.00 (approx 3015kg) - 1 Available. Price per Approx 5.45 metre length = $4,961.00 (approx 3010kg) - 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE004 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1225mm OD - Wall thickness approx 11.8mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 11.8 metre length = $ 9,125.00 (approx 5529kg) - 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE003 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1370mm OD - Wall thickness approx 16mm Unknown Schedule Nominal Wall Thickness Price per Approx 9.8 metre length = $8,485.00 each (approx 5142kg) Stock No: PIPE002 - Steel Pipe - Approx 1500 mm OD - Wall thickness approx 20mm - 25mm Notes: Enclosed at one end - 1965mm of pipe has a wall thickness of 25mm Price per Approx 12.0 metre length = $14,200.00 (approx 8605kg) - 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Back to Top Stock No: PIPE001 - Assortment of Plastic coated steel pipe concrete lined Price per Approx 5.6 metre x 425mm x 7mm wall length = $616.00 each Price per Approx 3.1 metre x 425mm x 7mm wall length = $341.00 each Price per Approx 4.6 metre x 340mm x 9mm wall length = $455.00 each Price per Approx 3.7 metre x 340mm x 9mm wall length = $366.00 each ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Back to Steel
Second Hand Steel Plate Stock No: PLATE017 Second Hand Steel Checker Plate x 2.1mm Approx 2400mm x 1200mm = $95.00 each 47.48kg 44 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE016 - Unused Steel Plate x 3mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $187.00 each (106kg) 267 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE015 - Unused Steel Plate x 4mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $249.00 each (141kg) 111 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE014 - Unused Steel Plate x 5mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $312.00 each (177kg) 118 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE013 - Unused Steel Plate x 6mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $373.00 each (212kg) 49 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE012 - Unused Steel Plate x 8mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $496.00 each (282kg) 39 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE011 - Unused Steel Plate x 10mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $622.00 each (353kg) 67 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE010 - Unused Steel Plate x 12mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $746.00 each (424kg) 36 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE009 - Unused Steel Plate x 16mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $995.00 each (565kg) 8 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE008 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 10mm Thick Approx 3090mm x 495mm = $ 210.00 (120kg) - 1 Available (bent - not creased) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE007 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 12mm Thick Approx 3035mm x 715mm = $ 363.00 (204kg) - 2 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE006 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 16mm Thick Approx 3035mm x 1980mm = $1,408.00 (755kg) - 1 Available Approx 3080mm x 1865mm = $1,353.00 (721kg) - 1 Available Approx 3030mm x 1270mm = $ 902.00 (483kg) - 1 Available Approx 3085mm x 1120mm = $ 814.00 (434kg) - 1 Available Approx 2220mm x 995mm = $ 517.00 (277kg) - 1 Available Approx 2030mm x 1085mm = $ 517.00 (277kg) - 1 Available Approx 3100mm x 970mm = $ 704.00 (378kg) - 1 Available Approx 3100mm x 700mm = $ 506.00 (273kg) - 2 Available Approx 3090mm x 700mm = $ 506.00 (272kg) - 2 Available Approx 3080mm x 700mm = $ 506.00 (271kg) - 1 Available Approx 2115mm x 1000mm = $ 495.00 (266kg) - 1 Available Approx 2125mm x 923mm = $ 462.00 (246kg) - 1 Available Approx 3100mm x 595mm = $ 429.00 (232kg) - 1 Available Approx 1908mm x 945mm = $ 418.00 (226kg) - 1 Available Approx 3085mm x 580mm = $ 418.00 (225kg) - 1 Available Approx 1910mm x 935mm = $ 418.00 (224kg) - 1 Available Approx 3070mm x 580mm = $ 418.00 (224kg) - 1 Available Approx 2610mm x 607mm = $ 374.00 (199kg) - 1 Available Approx 3085mm x 488mm = $ 352.00 (189kg) - 1 Available Approx 2430mm x 615mm = $ 352.00 (188kg) - 1 Available Approx 1500mm x 950mm = $ 330.00 (179kg) - 1 Available Approx 2000mm x 580mm = $ 275.00 (146kg) - 2 Available Approx 2000mm x 575mm = $ 264.00 (144kg) - 1 Available Approx 2000mm x 560mm = $ 264.00 (141kg) - 2 Available Approx 2000mm x 540mm = $ 253.00 (136kg) - 1 Available Approx 1030mm x 1005mm = $ 242.00 (130kg) - 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE005 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 20mm Thick Approx 2480mm x 3000mm = $2,060.00 1168kg 1 Available Approx 3095mm x 915mm = $ 783.00 445kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE004 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 25mm Thick Approx 2400mm x 2800mm = $2,320.00 1319kg 1 Available Approx 3000mm x 780mm = $ 810.00 459kg 1 Available Approx 3000mm x 785mm = $ 815.00 462kg 1 Available Approx 3000mm x 790mm = $ 820.00 465kg 2 Available Approx 3090mm x 795mm = $ 850.00 482kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE003 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 32mm Thick Approx 2480mm x 3000mm = $3,290.00 1869kg 3 Available Approx 2100mm x 3190mm = $2,970.00 1683kg 1 Available Approx 2400mm x 1800mm = $1,910.00 1085kg 1 Available Approx 2480mm x 1500mm = $1,645.00 934kg 1 Available Approx 2070mm x 810mm = $ 740.00 421kg 1 Available Approx 2070mm x 800mm = $ 730.00 416kg 4 Available Approx 2065mm x 795mm = $ 725.00 412kg 2 Available Approx 2065mm x 810mm = $ 740.00 420kg 1 Available Approx 2060mm x 800mm = $ 730.00 414kg 1 Available Approx 2035mm x 800mm = $ 720.00 409kg 1 Available Approx 1500mm x 1010mm = $ 671.00 380kg 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE002 - Second Hand Steel Plate - Approx 32mm Thick Approx 6000mm x 1800mm with bracing underneath Bracing dimensions: 1500mm x 1800mm x 32mm Click on photo to enlarge Price = $5,962.00 (3391kg) - 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Back to Steel
New Arrivals Stock No: PLATE017 Second Hand Steel Checker Plate x 2.1mm Approx 2400mm x 1200mm = $95.00 each 47.48kg 44 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: TANK022 Second Hand Diesel Tank on Stand Approx Dimension: L3000mm x D1500mm Tank Volume: Approx 5000 litres Price: $2,200.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: STORAGE008 Second Hand Poly Storage Vessell Dimensions: L0000mm x W0000mm x H0000mm Use: Unknown Price = $165.00 1 Available SOLD ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: MISC019 Second Hand Water Meter Price = $220.00 SOLD ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING020 - Second Hand Cattle Grid with Arm L2385mm x W4010mm x H200mm = $1,980.00 ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST SOLD Stock No: FENCING019 - Second Hand Cattle Grid L2385mm x W4010mm x H200mm = $1,980.00 ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST SOLD SECOND HAND RHS - SHS MANY SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM Click to View Stock No. ELECTRIC015 - Second Hand Lifeguard 17 Power Distribution Unit 12 x 15A Single Phase - 4 x 32A 3 Phase - 1 x 63A 3 Phase Price = $660.00 each including GST Stock No. BUILDINGS004 - Second Hand Ablution / Toilet Single Toilet Price = $950.00 1 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST View Photos Stock No: STORAGE007 - Second Hand 20ft Shipping Containers Multiple Available Price = $1,705.00 ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: MISC018 - Polymeric Cable Cover 300mm x 5mm x 100 metre roll = $715.00 each 200mm x 5mm x 150 metre roll = $742.50 each ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING018 - Unused Galvanized Weld Mesh 2250mm x 2650mm x 50mm x 50mm x 4mm = $66.00 each 40 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING017 - Unused Galvanized Weld Mesh 2170mm x 3100mm 75mm x 50mm x 5mm = $77.00 each 35 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING016 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate 2970mm wide x 1170mm high x 33mm = $110.00 each 20 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING015 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate 1800mm wide x 1150mm high x 33mm = $88.00 each 6 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING013 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate 900mm wide x 1100mm high x 33mm = $77.00 each 6 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE052 - Second Hand Steel Pipe Elbows Various lengths, thicknesses and angles available Price per 1067mm OD x 12 metres x 18mm Wall = $8,140.00 5705kg Price per 1067mm OD x 12 metres x 14mm Wall = $6,468.00 4520kg ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: MISC017 - Se cond Hand Bog Mats Brand: Pro-Tec Mat Dimensions: L2410mm x W1200mm x 14mm thick Price = $220.00 each inclusive of GST Stock No: PLATE016 - Unused Steel Plate x 3mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $187.00 each (106kg) 267 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE015 - Unused Steel Plate x 4mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $249.00 each (141kg) 111 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE014 - Unused Steel Plate x 5mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $312.00 each (177kg) 118 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE013 - Unused Steel Plate x 6mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $373.00 each (212kg) 49 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE012 - Unused Steel Plate x 8mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $496.00 each (282kg) 39 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE011 - Unused Steel Plate x 10mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $622.00 each (353kg) 69 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE010 - Unused Steel Plate x 12mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $746.00 each (424kg) 40 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PLATE009 - Unused Steel Plate x 16mm 1500mm x 3000mm = $995.00 each (565kg) 8 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING014 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate with Frame Gate dimensions: W2100mm x H2200mm x 6 x 58mm x 1.5mm Oval Rails Frame dimensions: 40mm x 40mm x 1.5mm Lock pins: 2 x Zinc Coated Price = $198.00 each (8 Available) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: ROOFING001 - Second Hand Corrugated Roofing Sheets Very Good Condition - $11.00 per/linear metre 830mm x 0.42 BMT - Zinc NEW LISTINGS CLICK HERE Stock No: PIPE034 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 273mm OD Price per Approx 12 metres long x 9mm wall = $1,287.00 (691kg x 3) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE037 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 170mm OD Price per Approx 12 metres long x 6mm wall = $539.00 (286kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST 142 Available Stock No: PIPE040 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 165mm OD Price per Approx 10 metres long x 4mm wall = $297.00 (156kg x 5) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE046 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 114mm OD Price per Approx 12 metres long x 6mm wall = $352.00 each (188kg x 20) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: PIPE052 Second Hand Steel Pipe Approx 76mm OD Price per Approx 12 metres long x 5mm wall = $187.00 each (102kg x 38) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: MISC016 - Se cond Hand Bridge with Grated Walkway 2 steps each side Dimensions: L 1900mm x W730mm x H1750mm Price = $850.00 inclusive of GST Back to Home Page Back to Second Hand Stock
Second Hand Tanks Stock No: TANK022 Second Hand Diesel Tank on Stand Approx Dimension: L3000mm x D1500mm Tank Volume: Approx 5000 litres Price: $2,200.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: TANK021 - Second Hand Flare Seal Pot Approx Dimension: L3500mm x D700mm Vessell Volume: Approx 792 litres - Dry Weight 475kg Price: $836.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: TANK020 - Second Hand Flare Knockout Drum Approx Dimension: L2600mm x W700mm x H450mm Vessell Volume: Approx 750 litres - Dry Weight 442kg AS4343 Hazard Level: Hazard Level C Price: $770.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: TANK019 - Second Hand Steel Tank Fuel Tank Dimention: L1200mm x W700mm x H450mm Capacity: Approx 380 litres - Safefill: 300 litres Price: $450.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: TANK018 - Second Hand Blue Plastic Drums Capacity: 204 litres - 44 Gallon Closed Top - Great for storage and Animal Feeders Price: $ 33.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: TANK017 - Second Hand Transtank Fuel Tank Dimensions: L2255mm x W1100mm x 1330mm high x 1140kg (empty) Capacity: 2670 litres Safe Fill litres = 2005 litres capacity Serial number: 111584 - Manufacture date: 2012 Price: $ 3,850.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: TANK016 - Second Hand Transtank Fuel Tank Dimensions: L2306mm x W1153mm x 1330mm high x 970kg (empty) Capacity: 2000 litres Safe Fill litres = 1800 litres capacity Serial number: Unavailable - Manufacture date: 2010 Price: $ 3,850.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: TANK015 - Second Hand Transtank Diesel Tank Dimensions: L2068mm x W2262mm x 1262mm high x 1190kg (empty) Capacity: 4400 litres Safe Fill litres = 4000 litres capacity Serial number: 73787 - Manufacture date: 2008 Price: $ 5,500.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: TANK014 - Second Hand Cone Bottom Steel Tank Diameter 2500mm - Total height: 9.4 metres Main body height: 5.32 metres - Cone height: 2.2 metres Price: $11,000.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: TANK013 - Second Hand Multi Compartment Fluid Tank 8 Clear Hose Level Compartments 1 x 580 litres - 3 x 630 litres - 1 x 808 litres - 2 x 880 litres - 1 x 1210 litres Overall dimensions: 2450mm x 1770mm x 2000mm high Price: $7,700.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: SILO001 - Second Hand Steel Silo (no stand) Approx. Capacity 22 cubic metres Dimensions: Overall 6200mm high x 2200mm diameter Dimensions not including cones 3800mm Price $550.00 including GST Stock No: TANK012 - Second Hand Fuel Tank Combustible Liquid Approx. 27,000 Litres Price $8,800.00 including GST Stock No: TANK011 - Second Hand Ex. Dredging Floats 1000 litre Dredging floats Dimensions: 1500mm Long x 950mm Diameter approx. 10mm Wall Thickness Price = $1,000.00 including GST Pridje Stock No: TANK010 - Second Hand Twin Powder Silos in Frame Steel - Cylinder Height: 2.1 Metres - Diameter: 2.4 Metres - Volume of each Cylinder: approx. 9000 Litre - Total Volume: approx. 18000 Litre - Frame Dimensions: 5.2m x 1.5m Price Per Pair: $7,500.00 including GST Stock No. TANK009 - Second Hand Poly Tank - 10,000 Litres Approx. 2500mm x 2600mm - Plus 580mm for Valves - 2 Valves - 3 Rosemont Gauges Unknown Material Stored Price = $1,150.00 including GST 1 Available Stock No. TANK008 - Second Hand Machinery Fuel / Oil Tanks on stand Overall Dimensions - 1260mm high - 1100mm long - 400mm wide Tank Dimensions - 710mm long - 305mm diameter Fork tyne slots on frame. Price = $250.00 each including GST Inspection recommended Stock No. TANK007 - Second Hand 1000 litre IBC Pod Price = $44.00 each including GST Inspection highly recommended Usage unknown Stock No: TANK006 - Mobile Diesel Tank 200 litres Length: 800mm - Width: 600mm - Height: 620mm Price: $660.00 inclusive of GST View Photos View Photos Stock No: TANK005 - Second Hand Stainless Steel Tank Approximately 110,000 litres Diameter: 4090mm - Height: 8400mm - Access hole: 400mm Top mounted inlet: 73mm - Butterfly Valve outlet: 100mm Price: $25,300.00 inclusive of GST Inspection highly recommended Stock No: TANK004 - Second Hand Diesel Tank Approximately 53,600 litres - Safe Fill Diameter: 2760mm x 10 metres long Price: $16,000.00 inclusive of GST SOLD Inspection highly recommended Back to Top Stock No: TANK003 - Second Hand Diesel Tank Approximately 22,000 litres Diameter: 2150mm x 6.1 metres long Price: $15,400 inclusive of GST Inspection highly recommended View Photos Stock No: STANK002 - Second Hand Baffled Sand Filter Tank Approximately 17,000 litres - Height: 2400mm x Diameter: 3000mm Coned Top and Bottom - Numerous inlets and outlets - Manhole Access Price: $5,500 inclusive of GST Inspection highly recommended View Photos Stock No: STANK001 - Second Hand Baffled Sand Filter Tank Approximately 13,000 litres - Height: 1850mm x Diameter: 3000mm Coned Top and Bottom - Numerous inlets and outlets - Manhole Access Price: $3,300 inclusive of GST Inspection highly recommended View Photos Back to Second Hand Stock
CLICK FOR SPECIALS For Sale DRILL PIPE / STEM 89mm = $178.00 each 73mm = $ 88.00 each 60mm = $ 80.00 each Lengths range 9.2m to 9.6m
Second Hand Machines View Photos Stock No: MACHINES015 Second Hand Atlas Copco Screw Compressor Model: 2007 GA250 : 3 Phase Max working pressure: Bar (E) 8.25 : PSIG 120 Input power: KW 263 : HP 353 Price: $15,400.00 each inclusive of GST 2 Available Stock No: MACHINES013 - Second Hand Yanmar Air Cooled Diesel Compressor Year 2010 - Model L70N6-METMRYI - Manufactured in Italy Dimensions: 1350 mm (L) x 450 mm (W) x 900 mm (H) Price: $1,980.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: MACHINES012 - Second Hand Carba-Tec Dust Extractor Year 2010 - Model FM300 Dimensions: L840mm x W650mm x H1400mm (split in hose) Price: $220.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: MACHINES011 - Second Hand Shark 282 Metal Band Saw Cut width 280mm Base dimensions: L1050mm x W700mm x H660mm Saw dimensions: L1600mm x W500mm x H900mm Price: $3,300.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: MACHINES010 - Second Hand Hose Winder Detangler - Rotational Dimensions: 3800mm x 2300mm x 1800mm high Price: $8,800.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: MACHINES009 - Second Hand Mobile Generator on Trailer Dimensions: 5300mm x 2400mm x 1500mm high Price: $6,600.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: MACHINES008 - Second Hand Skid Mount Hose Winder Dimensions: 7600mm x 2300mm x 2800mm high x approx 6 tonne Price: $5,500.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Stock No: MACHINES007 - Second Hand Emco Maximat V10-P Bench Lathe Three Phase - Fixed/Traveling Steadies Face Plate - Four Jaw 150mm Chuck - Overall Bed Length 900mm - Centre Height 150mm - Speeds 60-2500RPM - Attached Mill Drill Speeds 120-2000RPM Price: $4,400.00 inclusive of GST Stock No: MACHINES006 - Second Hand Spitwater Hot/Cold Pressure Cleaner Model: SW21200DE - Serial number: 17109148 - Hours indicated: 1790 Operating pressure: 3000 psi / 200 bar - Engine: 3 cylinder diesel Extras: Estops - Isolators - Jump start receptacle - Fork slots Price: $15,000.00 inclusive of GST FULLY RECONDITIONED, VERY GOOD WORKING ORDER Stock No. MACHINES005 - Second Hand GEOWELL - WASH Truck Wheel Wash - as is condition Price = $18,000.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. MACHINES004 - Second Hand Bag House Dust Collector Filter Type: Sock - Bag numbers: 122 - Bag House: L3.3m x W3.2m x H5.6m (without cone) Cone height: 3.7m - Volume: approx 70,000 litres Price = $13,200.00 View Photos Stock No. MACHINES003 - Second Hand Bag House Dust Collector Filter Type: Bag - Bag numbers: 60 - Bag House: L1.5m x W0.5m x H2.1m (without cone) Cone height: Approx 1m - Blower Motor 37kw Price = $4,500.00 Stock No. MACHINES002 - Second Hand Compressor Brand: Atlas Copco GA-408 - Motor: WEG 37kw Blower type: Lobe Price = $4,180.00 Stock No. MACHINES001 - Second Hand Power Hacksaw Cuts up to 300mm diameter pipe Blade specifications: 700mm x 55mm - 6D New controls fitted Price = $1,100.00 inclusive of GST View Photos Back to Second Hand Stock
New & Second Hand Fencing Stock No: FENCING020 - Second Hand Cattle Grid with Arm L2385mm x W4010mm x H200mm = $1,980.00 ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST SOLD Stock No: FENCING019 - Second Hand Cattle Grid L2385mm x W4010mm x H200mm = $1,980.00 ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST SOLD Stock No: FENCING018 - Unused Galvanized Weld Mesh 2250mm x 2650mm x 50mm x 50mm x 4mm = $66.00 each 40 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING017 - Unused Galvanized Weld Mesh 2170mm x 3100mm 75mm x 50mm x 5mm = $77.00 each 35 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING016 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate 2970mm wide x 1170mm high x 33mm = $110.00 each 20 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING015 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate 1800mm wide x 1150mm high x 33mm = $88.00 each 6 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING014 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate with Frame Gate dimensions: W2100mm x H2200mm x 6 x 58mm x 1.5mm Oval Rails Frame dimensions: 40mm x 40mm x 1.5mm Lock pins: 2 x Zinc Coated Price = $198.00 each (8 Available) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: FENCING013 - Unused Galvanized Steel Gate 900mm wide x 1100mm high x 33mm = $77.00 each 6 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No. FENCING012 – Second Hand Star Pickets 1800mm = $5.50 each (7 Gal available + 9 Black available) 1650mm = $4.40 each (165 available) 1650mm = $4.00 each (90 available) slightly bent 1350mm = $3.30 each (159 available) 900mm = $2.20 each (55 available) 600mm = $1.10 each (32 available) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No. FENCING011 - Unused High Tensile Fencing Wire 2.5mm x 1500 metre roll = $225.00 each 2 Available ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No. FENCING010 - New Heavy Duty Fence Posts - Galvanised Drill Pipe 60mm OD x 5mm Wall Thickness x 2900mm Length = $76.00 each inclusive of GST (19.29kg) 60mm OD x 5mm Wall Thickness x 5800mm Length = $140.00 each inclusive of GST (38.58kg) Stock No. FENCING009 - New Heavy Duty Fence Posts - Galvanised Drill Pipe 73mm OD x 5mm Wall Thickness x 2900mm Length = $95.00 each inclusive of GST (23.85kg) 73mm OD x 5mm Wall Thickness x 5800mm Length = $170.00 each inclusive of GST (47.7kg) SPECIAL Stock No. FENCING008 - New Fence Post Caps - Galvanised - 50NB To fit 60mm OD Post Price x 1 = $ 2.20 each inclusive of GST Price x 100 = $150.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. FENCING007 - New Star Pickets - Black - 14 holes 1800mm x Black = $9.90 each 1800mm x Black = $90.00 bundle of 10 1800mm x Black = $1,700.00 bundle of 200 Stock No. FENCING006 - New Star Pickets - Galvanised - 14 holes 1800mm x Galvanised = $15.00 each 1800mm x Galvanised = $140.00 bundle of 10 1800mm x Galvanised = $2,700.00 bundle of 200 Stock No. FENCING004 - Second Hand Connectable Barricades Price = $150.00 each including GST Stock No: FENCING003 - Second Hand Temporary Fencing Panels Width 2400mm x Height 2100mm - Feet sold separately - Brackets Unavailable Price = $44.00 each inclusive of GST Stock No: FENCING002 - Second Hand Temporary Fencing Panel Feet Price = $11.00 each inclusive of GST Stock No: FENCING001 - Second Hand Temporary Fencing Panels Width 2100mm x Height 1100mm - Feet Included Price = $28.00 each inclusive of GST Stock No: DRILL014 - Drill Casing - Approx 89mm OD - Wall thickness 7mm - Length 9.2m Price per 9.2 metre length = $178.00 (132kg) Price per 3 metre length = $62.00 (42k g) Price per 2.250 metre length = $48.00 (32kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: DRILL002 - Drill Casing - 73mm OD - Wall thickness approx 5.5mm - Length approx 9.2m Price per 9.2 metre length = $88.00 (85kg) Price per 3 metre length = $35.00 (27kg) Price per 2.250 metre length = $27.50 (21kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Stock No: DRILL004 - Drill Casing - 60mm OD - Wall thickness approx 4.8mm - Length approx 9.2m Price per 9.2 metre length = $80.00 (61kg) Price per 4.5 metre length = $48.00 (approx 29kg - lengths ranging from 4.5m to 4.9m) Price per 3 metre length = $31.00 (19.23kg) Price per 2.250 metre length = $29.00 (14.42kg) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Back to Second Hand Stock Back to Home Page
Second Hand Roofing Stock No: ROOFING001 - Second Hand Corrugated Roofing Sheets Very Good Condition 830mm x 0.42 BMT - Zinc $11.00 per linear metre 01: 10.471 metres = $115.00 each (116 Available) 02: 7.952 metres = $ 87.00 each ( 42 Available) 03: 7.738 metres = $ 85.00 each ( 1 Available) 04: 7.706 metres = $ 85.00 each ( 1 Available) 05: 7.680 metres = $ 84.00 each ( 1 Available) 06: 7.606 metres = $ 84.00 each ( 1 Available) 07: 7.581 metres = $ 83.00 each ( 1 Available) 08: 7.507 metres = $ 83.00 each ( 1 Available) 09: 7.482 metres = $ 82.00 each ( 1 Available) 10: 7.455 metres = $ 82.00 each ( 86 Available) 11: 7.407 metres = $ 81.00 each ( 1 Available) 12: 7.382 metres = $ 81.00 each ( 1 Available) 13: 7.351 metres = $ 81.00 each ( 3 Available) 14: 7.308 metres = $ 80.00 each ( 1 Available) 15: 7.283 metres = $ 80.00 each ( 1 Available) 16: 7.251 metres = $ 80.00 each ( 1 Available) 17: 7.209 metres = $ 79.00 each ( 1 Available) 18: 7.183 metres = $ 79.00 each ( 1 Available) 19: 7.109 metres = $ 78.00 each ( 1 Available) 20: 7.084 metres = $ 78.00 each ( 1 Available) 21: 7.010 metres = $ 77.00 each ( 1 Available) 22: 6.984 metres = $ 77.00 each ( 1 Available) 23: 6.910 metres = $ 76.00 each ( 1 Available) 24: 6.885 metres = $ 76.00 each ( 1 Available) 25: 6.811 metres = $ 75.00 each ( 1 Available) 26: 6.263 metres = $ 69.00 each ( 5 Available) 32: 2.313 metres = $ 25.00 each ( 30 Available) 33: 2.075 metres = $ 23.00 each ( 1 Available) 34: 2.043 metres = $ 22.00 each ( 1 Available) 35: 2.018 metres = $ 22.00 each ( 1 Available) 36: 1.944 metres = $ 21.00 each ( 1 Available) 37: 1.918 metres = $ 21.00 each ( 1 Available) 38: 1.844 metres = $ 20.00 each ( 1 Available) 39: 1.819 metres = $ 20.00 each ( 1 Available) 40: 1.745 metres = $ 19.00 each ( 1 Available) 41: 1.720 metres = $ 19.00 each ( 1 Available) 42: 1.645 metres = $ 18.00 each ( 1 Available) 43: 0.808 metres = $ 9.00 each ( 3 Available) 44: 0.708 metres = $ 8.00 each ( 3 Available) 45: 0.641 metres = $ 7.00 each ( 2 Available) 46. 0.612 metres = $ 7.00 each ( 35 Available) 47: 0.608 metres = $ 7.00 each ( 3 Available) 48: 0.526 metres = $ 6.00 each ( 22 Available) 49: 0.508 metres = $ 6.00 each ( 3 Available) 50: 0.408 metres = $ 4.50 each ( 6 Available) 51: 0.335 metres = $ 4.00 each ( 6 Available) 52: 0.334 metres = $ 4.00 each ( 6 Available) ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF GST Back to Second Hand Stock
- Second Hand Safety Gear
Second Hand Safety Gear Stock No. SAFETY006 - Never Used Heavy Duty Welders Cross-over Style Harness Brand: Miller KMAX.1 - Model: M1020066 Price = $253.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. SAFETY005 - Never Used Heavy Duty Full Body Maintenance Harness Brand: Miller - Model: M1020065 S Price = $99.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. SAFETY004 - Never Used Yellow Safety Chain (Plastic) 40 Metres Price = $40.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. SAFETY003 - Never Used MSDS Document Storage Box Medium Price = $50.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. SAFETY001 - Second Hand Combination Emergency Stainless Steel Shower and Eye Wash Hand operated - 2320mm high x 634mm Brand: Enware - Stainless Steel Shower Head and impeller, pull rod, bowl and stay open ball valves Price: $880.00 inclusive of GST Stock No. SAFETY002 - Second Hand Stainless Steel Multi Spray Emergency Shower Price: $2,000.00 inclusive of GST View Photo Back to Second Hand Stock
Second Hand Rebar Stock No. REBAR002 - Second Hand Steel Rebar Rod Approx 32mm x 11.8 metres long = $132.00 each inclusive of GST (74.46kg) 146 Available Approx 36mm x 11.8 metres long = $165.00 each inclusive of GST (94.28kg) 24 Available Stock No. REBAR001 - Second Hand Galvanised Dowel Bars 24mm OD x 450mm Length = $5.00 each inclusive of GST Back to Steel
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